(208) 895-0317

We Can Help…


Call us… we are here for you!  (208) 895-0317

     We help people who suffer with neck pain, headaches, middle back pain, rib pain, lower back pain, hip pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, carpal tunnel, TMJ, injuries suffered from a motor vehicle crash or sports injuries.


     We love working with families by keeping them healthy and active throughout life.


Neck Pain and Shoulder Pain?

Are you suffering with neck pain?

Do you have pain down your shoulder into your arms and even your fingers?

Has your neck pain gotten so severe, you’re struggling to even do simple things?

Do you want the fastest relief possible with a safe, effective solution?

We have good news.

Our office helps thousands of people just like you get rid of their neck and shoulder pain.

Give us a call… we can help!  (208) 895-0317

Back and Hip Pain?

Back pain can be debilitating.

Whether it’s back pain or sciatica… it can interfere with all the things you love to do.

There is hope.  Our office has helped thousands of people get there lives back… naturally… without drugs and avoiding surgery.

Call us today… we can help!  (208) 895-0317

Headaches and Dizziness

Are headaches or dizziness controlling your life?  Having trouble functioning or doing your normal daily activities?

We understand your struggle with pain and frustration in finding an answer to your complaints.

We have helped thousands of people get rid of their headaches, migraines, and dizziness while getting their lives back.

Give us a call… we can help!  (208) 895-0317


Many people are surprised to learn that joint pain in the hand, wrist, elbow, shoulder, ankle, or knee can often be helped by chiropractic.

Joints of the body can lose their normal motion and position, irritating nerves, leading to symptoms of pain, swelling and loss of function.

This can be caused from repetitive motions, improper sitting, overexertion, slips, falls, and accidents or trauma.

We help people with:

Tennis elbow

Plantar Fascitis

Knee pain

Frozen shoulder

TMJ and Jaw problems

Carpal tunnel syndrome.

Call us today… we can help! (208) 895-0317

Families and Kids

We love taking care of kids and families.  Spinal problems can occur from frequent falls suffered by young children in the first years of life.

A fall from a bed… a sudden stop in a car… or any significant unsupported movement of the head and neck can cause problems in your child’s body.

Young children learning to walk can also fall and hit their heads.

Older children can suffer sports injuries.  These events can also cause spinal problems.

Chiropractic is a very effective and safe treatment method for all ages.  We use gentle techniques tailored to the age of each individual.

We love working with families by keeping them healthy and active throughout life.

Give us a call… we can help!  (208) 895-0317

Pregnant Women

Should you have chiropractic care during pregnancy?  Absolutely!

Chiropractic care can help you achieve a healthier more comfortable pregnancy.

During pregnancy many changes take place.  The pelvis changes during pregnancy and can lead to unnecessary discomfort or even pain.

As the baby begins to grow posture will change and the pregnant mom may even tend to lean backwards more putting even more stress on the body.

Chiropractic and  pregnancy go hand in hand.  Our office helps pregnant women by relieving the stress and pain in their back.   We help women feel more comfortable during their pregnancy.

It is gentle… safe… and effective.

Give us a call… we can help!  (208) 895-0317

Whiplash Car Crash Pain?

Collisions that occur during sporting events, slips, falls or automobile crashes can all have a damaging effect on your neck and back.

These types of collision-related injuries often result in what is called “whiplash”.

Whiplash is most commonly received from riding in a car that is struck from behind or collides with another object.

When the head is suddenly jerked back and forth beyond its normal limits the joints, muscles, ligaments and supporting structures of the head and spine can be stretched or torn.

The soft joints and discs between spinal bones can bulge, tear, or even rupture.  Vertebra can be forced out of their normal position, reducing range of motion,

This can result in headaches, dizziness, blurred vision, pain in the shoulders, arms and hands, reduced ability to turn and bend, and low back problems.  Symptoms may not appear for days or even weeks.

Even though the car may have received little damage, occupants can suffer serious spinal injuries.  Do not be mistaken, there is no relation to how much your car has been damaged and how many injuries you may have received.

We use specific chiropractic adjustments to help normalize spinal function.  If caught early enough, inflammation can be reduced and scar tissue can often be minimalized.

If you do nothing after a whiplash or injury, you may suffer long term pain.

If you or someone you know has been involved in a car crash, slip and fall or “whiplash-type” injury give us a call immediately to be evaluated. We have had great success with this type of care.

Call our office… we can help!  (208) 895-0317


Help is here

Call us, and we will get you scheduled.  Talk to you soon.  (208) 895-0317.

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